Posts for Entertainment Category

Jiivi 2 Sequel of Jiivi 1 Tamil Movies on aha

Entertainment - Frank Rusell - December 6, 2022

If you are aware of the movie jiivi 1, then you must also be aware that the one-hit wonder came with a sequel it jiivi 2. After the hit of the movie, it was quite obvious that viewers demanded a second sequel to it, and the demands were addressed.

If you are wondering where you can watch this movie, then do not worry. You can watch these crime thriller movies in Tamil exclusively on the aha platform. You can also watch both sequels of the movie on the video streaming platform.

The cast of jiivi 2

The sequel to the movie Jiivi has been directed and written by none other than VJ Gopinath. This excellently crafted movie has cast legendary Tollywood actors such as Vetri, Karunakaran, Rohini, Mime Gopi, and Rama.

All the actors in the movie have greatly played their roles in the movie.

Jiivi: The memorable thriller starring Vetri and Karunakaran gets a sequel

The plot of jiivi 2

The movie begins with the scene of Kavitha and Saravanan’s marriage. It is noticed that the couple is struggling with money for the eye surgery required by Kavitha. However, in the process of gathering money for the surgery, it is noticed that Saravanan gets trapped in the Temptation of stealing yet again.

In the next part of the movie, it is noticed that as he gets into the Temptation of sealing, all the previous connections and troubles start to resurface again. However, soon they figure out the root cause of all the trouble, and the truth related to the problem is all interconnected to each other. Saravanan gets into the Tempest to find the real truth behind all the trouble he has been facing.

What to expect from jiivi 2?

The sequels of both movies are so excellently linked to one another that it makes Jiivi 2 a great watch for viewers. There is no dull moment in the movie; therefore, it is definite that viewers will be engrossed in their screens.

Watch the Thriller and Mysterious Movie.

If you have watched Jiivi 1 and you are wondering where you can watch the 2nd sequel to the movie, then jump right onto the video streaming platform aha. You can not only just stream the first sequel of the movie, but you can also watch the jiivi 2 movie only on aha.

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Things you need to know about the music technology

Entertainment - Frank Rusell - July 18, 2021


Music is considered as the intense art form that is present over this world and it do not have any language barriers. Even as a born being we can enjoy the music as it lies in the very basic and intense form before us. Even to enjoy the feel created by a painting you need to learn something about it but the music is only art that avails you the opportunity of tasting it fresh without nay background knowledge. As there is no need to learn anything in order to hear a bird’s song or natural melody that is produced by the mountains.

This is the reason why people have a very great loving for music and you could see all age groups dancing on the floor for a vibrant music. So it is almost very hard for they people to area a life that has no music. This could really underlay the importance of the music for the human kind and also you could understand why we people are attached towards music from the very olden days of our civilization.

How to learn a music instrument

In addition the individual also need to look after the geometrical construction of the instrument too so that he can manage it with various methods and the handling will be very easy for the player. In this contact the keyboard is one such instrument that is capable of making your immerse in it. The keyboard e is normally considered to be a unique instrument and you can get the option of trying various such unique instruments when you are reading something useful about all these instruments.


How technology helps music

Today the interesting instruments are making their way into the market and this kind is very famous in the analog synthesizing industry. This is a two vco and four voice analog synthesizer that has a lot of options for the player within a single unit. You need to understand the fact that the technology is having an integral part in the music industry today.

  • By the help of the digital way of using the instruments, it is possible to get a lot of benefits. But the important one is that you are travelling towards a future and there is no need to worry about your musical carrier. You are offered with the option of ease of programming.
  • The true analog quality is the most important feature of this device with a brilliant overall design.
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